
The healthinspections.gov.yk.ca website is designed to provide the public with information about inspections of public establishments (food premises and personal services establishments) that are located in the Yukon Territory. The inspection reports posted here are summary reports that describe conditions observed by the Environmental Health Officer at the date and time of the inspection. The information on the website is updated weekly, check back frequently for updated inspections. Environmental Health Officers complete inspections to determine compliance with the Public Health and Safety Act and corresponding Regulations, policies and standards.

If you have questions about a particular premises or would like more information on reports listed please contact Environmental Health Services at environmental.health@gov.yk.ca

Viewers of the website should be aware that:

• The website is not intended to guarantee conditions of a premises at all times and should not be relied upon for that purpose. Viewers are cautioned against interpreting the status of a particular facility based on a single inspection report.

• The website contains information about health inspections conducted since September 2014.

• Facilities listed on this site are operating with a valid operating permit and are considered to be safe to operate at the time of the last inspection.

• The website was designed for the majority of browsers used. This includes Firefox, Chrome and Internet Explorer 10 and 11. Other browsers or older versions may not display the site the same way but could still function.

Although efforts are made to ensure the accuracy of the inspection report information, Government of Yukon makes absolutely no warranty regarding the accuracy or completeness of the information, nor shall they be held liable for any losses or damages, including lost profits, for the use of any information accessed within or through this website. No endorsement of a premises is expressed or implied by any information, material or content accessed within or through this website.